Technical Name: FIPRONIL 5% SC Crop : Rice, Cabbage, Chilli, Sugarcane, Cotton Category: Insecticide Tag: FIPRONIL 5% SC

Army Plus (Fipronil 5% SC) is a modern insecticide of Phenylpyrazole group that controls the insect pests of rice, chili, cabbage/cauliflower and sugarcane effectively. It has been proven to offer low dose, highly effective insect control against a broad range of economically important pests.

Army Plus (Fipronil 5% SC) is a modern insecticide of Phenylpyrazole group that controls the insect pests of rice, chili, cabbage/cauliflower and sugarcane effectively.  It has been proven to offer low dose, highly effective insect control against a broad range of economically important pests. 
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Rice Sugarcane Cabbage Chilli

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Army Plus Recommendation :

1. Suitable for crops like rice, sugarcane, cotton, maize, vegetables, and groundnut.

2. Controls termites, stem borers, leafhoppers, aphids, thrips, and whiteflies.

3. Can be applied as a foliar spray or soil drench based on the crop and pest type.

4.  Use during early stages of pest infestation for maximum effectiveness.

Benefits of using Army Plus :

  • Army Plus gives effective and long duration control of thrips in various crops. 
  • Army Plus an ideal choice for IPM. 
  • Army Plus has shown demonstrable Plant Growth Enhancement (PGE) effect in many crops. 
  • Army Plus kills the thrips so it is an excellent thripicide also. 


Sr. No. 


Name of the Insect-Pests 

Dose / Acre 


Stem borer, Brown plant hopper, green leaf hopper, Rice leaf hopper, Rice gall midge, Whorl maggot, White backed plant hopper 

400-600 ml (about 20.29 oz) 


Diamond back moth 

320-400 ml (about 13.53 oz) 


Thrips, Aphids, Fruit borers 

400 ml 


Early shoot borer &root borer 

600-800 ml (about 27.05 oz) 


Aphid, Jassid, Thrips, White fly, Boll worms 

600-800 ml (about 27.05 oz) 

Frequency of Application depends on level of Pest-infestation. 


Used extensively in rice, sugarcane, cotton, and vegetable crops to manage pest populations.


Pack 1 LTR or 500 ML or 250 ML or 100 ML
Rice Sugarcane Cabbage Chilli