Discover Your Path to Success

A career in the chemical industry offers an opportunity to sharpen the saw of one’s own emotional and cognitive quotient. GPC compounds this advantage because of the diversity of its products, properties and people. GPC nurtures a mentality that demands an attitude of being quick and agile terms of response time, attention to detail, operational excellence.

We have an internal mobility process which allows employees to move freely between functions and Plants, and develop their skills as well rounded professionals in an employee self-discovery environment. 

Our multi-dimensional work environment offers high growth opportunities through challenging roles with clear responsibilities and the opportunity to work on a variety of assignments.

Our Team is our Family

We at GPC believe that one step taken by an individual is still a single step but one step taken by a hundred people in the same direction is a hundred steps. Hence, we lay utmost importance on teamwork.

We dedicate whatever little success we have achieved to the teamwork of our GPC family. Be a part of our growth journey!