JCB Thunder
Details: It is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide, recommended for its use to control termites in Groundnut, Termite It is broad- spectrum systemic insecticide that is well suited for seed treatment used to control early season sucking pests. Recommended as seed treatment to control Jassids, aphids and Whitefly in cotton, shoot fly on sorghum and Maize,maggot in rice, jassid and thrips in sunflower, stem fly in soybean and thrips in chilli termites in wheat, jassid in okra, T & Early shoot borer in sugarcane, Greenleaf hopper & brown plant hopper in rice and Jassids & thrips in cotton crop.
Technical Name: Thiamethoxam 75% SG
Crops: Cotton ,Sugarcane, Rice, Groundnut
Category: Insecticides
Tag: Thiamethoxam 75% SG