Technical Name: Thiamethoxam 25% WG
Crops: Rice(Paddy), Cotton, Okra, Wheat Mustard
Category: Insecticides
Tag: Thiamethoxam 25% WG
JCB is absorbed quickly by plants and transported to all its parts, including pollen, where it acts to deter insect feeding
An insect can absorb it in its stomach after feeding, or through direct contact, including through its tracheal system.
The compound gets in the way of information transfer between nerve cells by interfering with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the central nervous system, and eventually paralyzes the muscles of the insects.
Crop wise Recommendations of JCB (Thiamethoxam-25WG):
Crops | Target Pests | Dose / Acre |
Rice (Paddy) | Stem borer, Gall midge, Leaf | 40 gm |
| folder, White backed plant |
| hopper, Brown planthopper, |
| Green leaf hopper, Thrips |
Cotton | Jassid, Aphid, Thrips | 40 gm |
| Whitefly | 80 gm |
Okra (Bhindi) | Jassi, Aphid, Whitefly | 40 gm |
Mango | Hoppers | 40 gm |
Wheat | Aphid | 20 gm |
Mustard | Aphid | 20-40 gm |
Tomato Foliar application | Whitefly | 80 gm |
Tomato Foliar application | Whitefly | 80 gm |
(Apply first spray during initial appearance of pest and repeat 2 – 3 sprays at 10 – 15 days (about 2 weeks) interval depending on the level of pest intensity) |